Ad-hoc-Groups and Author Meets Critics Events

Applying to host an ad hoc group

You have the opportunity to apply to host an ad hoc group. The events of the ad hoc groups will take place on Tuesday, September 23, 2025 to Thursday, September 25, 2025 between 2:15 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and on Wednesday, September 24, 2025 and Friday, September 26, 2025 between 9:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m.

Applications with a maximum of 5000 characters (including spaces) can be submitted online via the ConfTool congress platform between 01.02.2025 and 28.02.2025. You will find the submission link on this homepage from 01.02.2025. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to submit after the deadline. Please be as specific and concise as possible about what the ad hoc group should be about. The following points should be clearly stated in the application for the organization of an ad hoc group:

  • the particular topicality or relevance of the topic or the fit with the congress theme
  • the methodological and theoretical references of the session/topic
  • the suitability of the planned program (e.g. lectures, panel discussion) to the duration of the session (2 hours and 45 minutes).

If applicable, please name speakers who have already been requested and their planned presentation topics. The naming of speakers is welcome, but not a necessary prerequisite for the approval of your application. Please note that the organizers of an ad hoc group must be members of the DGS. Applications for membership should be received no later than the submission of the ad hoc group application.

A jury consisting of the Executive Board of the German Sociological Association and the Institute of Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen will decide on the acceptance or rejection of your proposal for an ad hoc event by the end of March 2025, as unfortunately only a limited number of ad hoc groups can be admitted. We will be happy to publish a call for papers on this homepage following the acceptance of an ad hoc group. Please note that the presentation titles and names of the speakers as well as their abstracts must be submitted via the conference platform ConfTool by May 11, 2025. In order to ensure the broadest possible diversity, a maximum of two presentations per person will be permitted at the congress. This does not apply to organizer presentations with only introductory words.

Application to host an Author-meets-Critics event

Sections and members of the DGS can submit proposals for the Author-meets-Critics events at the DGS Congress in Duisburg to the DGS office. Books that have been published since the last congress, i.e. with a first publication year of 2022 or later, can be nominated. Please provide the following information with your nomination:

  • Proposed book (author, title, publisher, year of first publication)
  • Brief justification of the content (maximum 1 page, which, in addition to the content of the book, also shows how an Author-meets-Critics event on this book would be of interest to a broad audience at the DGS Congress)
  • Suggested critics (at least 2, preferably more, with an order of preference for the request; in the end, there should be no more than 2 critics)
  • Proposed moderators (at least 1, preferably more, with an order of preference)

Please send your suggestions by 28.02.2025 to: marcel.siepmann(at)

After reviewing the proposals, the DGS Board will decide on the selection of Author-meets-Critics events. Subsequently, the sections or members who are authors of the accepted proposals will be asked to request the author, two critics and a moderator.

The Author-meets-Critics events will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 23-25, 2025 from 2:15 - 5:00 pm.